December Newsletter &
Competition Information
Christmas Eve: 10am - 5pm (No Yoga)
Christmas Day: CLOSED
New Years Eve: 10am - 8pm (No Yoga)
New Years Day: CLOSED
Wednesday, December 18th - 6:00pm
Secret Gift Exchange - 7:00pm
Bouldering Closures
All day, Wednesday December 4th through Friday, December 6th there will be no bouldering available in preparation for the competition on Saturday, December 7th.
Gym Closed for Youth Competition - Saturday, December 7th Day Time
Saturday, December 7th during the day - The gym will be closed to the public for our USA Climbing Youth Competition. NO GYM MEMBERS WILL BE ALLOWED FOR SPECTATING.
Top Out Community Bouldering Competition
Saturday, December 7th 6:00pm - 9:00pm
After the youth competition, the Top Out community is invited for a fun bouldering competition alongside your friends.
Free for Top Out members and punch card holders
$25 for non-members
Youth Competition Volunteers Needed
We are looking for volunteer judges and assistant judges to help us during our USA Climbing Youth Competition on Saturday, December 7th. No prior judging experience is necessary. Please sign up using this link:
We are looking to fill all open slots, so if you have some time to help out, it would be much appreciated. All volunteers will receive 2 day passes OR a 2 week membership for each session they volunteer. All volunteers will also receive lunch and drinks on the day of the competition. Top Out Members are encouraged to volunteer for judging even if they are competing in the community bouldering competition later in the day.
Top Out Community Bouldering Competition
Saturday, December 7th - 6:00pm to 9:00pm
Top Out will be hosting a Top Out Community bouldering competition at 6:00pm on Saturday, December 7th.
Doors Open: 5:00pm
Competitors Meeting: 5:50pm
Competition Climbing Time: 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Gym Closes: 9:30pm
Free for Members and Punch Card Holders. $25 entrance for all other participants.
No guest passes, day passes, non-competition climbing or use of the autobelays will be allowed during this time. The facility will only be open to participants and spectators of the competition.
The format will be a friendly classic redpoint bouldering competition. If you are unfamiliar with the classic redpoint format, think of it as a 3-hour climbing session alongside the rest of the members, with your best climbs counting towards your final score.
We wanted to give members the opportunity to enjoy climbing some competition-style boulders in a fun and festive atmosphere. We will have free snacks, drinks, and beer for your enjoyment.
In preparation for the competition, the bouldering area will be closed for climbing starting on Wednesday, December 4th.
Holiday Party and Secret Gift Exchange
On Wednesday, December 18th at 6:00pm, come celebrate the holidays with Top Out!
We're celebrating the holidays with our members and can't wait to see everyone and their friends join us for the evening.
All members are welcome to bring in an unlimited number of guests beginning at 6:00pm. You and your guests are also able to receive free rental shoes and harness use for the evening!
Our Holiday Potluck will begin at 6:00pm. Top Out will be providing main entrees and additional snacks. We encourage members to contribute to the fun by bringing a dish of their own to add some variety. Some members go all out and bring a fancy dish to share, while others fix up something quick and easy to bring. Even if you have nothing to bring at all, please attend anyway and chow down!
Our Secret Gift Exchange will be at 7:00pm.
Anyone may participate in the Secret Gift Exchange!
Anyone interested in participating, please bring a wrapped gift worth a minimum of $20.
For anyone who has not participated in a Secret Gift Exchange, the rules are simple: In its most basic form, the game is as follows: Each participant supplies one wrapped gift. The gifts are placed in a central location, and participants determine in what order they will take turns selecting them. The first person opens a wrapped gift and the turn ends. On subsequent turns, each person can open a new present or gets the choice to "steal" another person's unwrapped gift. When a person's gift is stolen, that person chooses another wrapped gift to open or in turn steals from a different person than the one who stole their gift. The game is over when the last person has taken their turn.
This game is almost identical to a White Elephant Gift Exchange, but we are looking for gifts that everyone would be stoked to receive. Less gag gifts and more awesome gifts!